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Statement on Food Insecurity

The Episcopal Churches of Staten Island stand in solidarity with individuals and families facing food insecurity across our communities. In a world where no one should go hungry, we recognize the moral and spiritual responsibility to respond to this crisis with compassion, action, and advocacy.

Food insecurity affects many within our communities—children, seniors, military families, veterans, college students, and the working poor. Too often, these individuals and families are forced to make heart-wrenching decisions between basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare. As people of faith, we are called to embody Christ’s love by ensuring that those who hunger are fed and that pathways to long-term food stability are created for all.

Our Commitment

Supporting Local Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens
Through partnerships with local food pantries, soup kitchens, and community organizations, we commit to providing direct assistance to those in need.


Advocating for Systemic Change

We advocate for policies that address the root causes of food insecurity, including poverty, unemployment, and the affordability of housing and healthcare.


Raising Awareness
Through education and outreach, we engage congregations and communities in meaningful conversations about hunger and its impacts, fostering a collective commitment to action.

How You Can Help

Volunteer at local feeding programs

Donate to food drives,
either with food or money

Pray for those experiencing hunger and for the strength of those working to address it.

Let us unite as one body in Christ to ensure that no one in our communities is left without nourishment. As the Gospel reminds us, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…” (Matthew 25:35).


Are you looking for food or to help someone who is?

See this list of food resources below at Episcopal churches on Staten Island

Staten Island Episcopal Church Feeding Ministries

1 / All Saints Episcopal Church Food Pantry

2329 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314
Daily from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Call the church office at
(718) 698-1338

2 / Christ Church

76 Franklin Ave, Staten Island, NY 10301
Holiday Support
Provides 200 holiday dinners three times a year (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter)
Volunteer Work
Supports the Feeding Ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church once a month. Outdoor feeding ministry at Tompkinsville Park.
The church office at
(718) 727-6100

3 / Church of Ascension

1 Kingsley Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314
Collects food for the Stapleton UAME (Union American Methodist Episcopal) Food Pantry. 
Youth Drives
Holiday collections supporting St. John’s and St. Mary’s food pantries .
The Rev. John Shirley or Liz Orlando,
(718) 442-4187  

4 / Church of St. Andrew

40 Old Mill Rd, Staten Island, NY 10306
Supports the St. Mary's and St. John's Food Pantries through volunteerism and donations.
The Church Office at
(718) 351-0900

5 / St. Alban’s Episcopal Church

76 St Albans Pl, Staten Island, NY 10312
Collects food and cash donations for the South Shore Food Pantry at St. Paul's UMC in Tottenville.
Seasonal Drives
Thanksgiving food drive and donations to supply turkeys, chickens, or hams with sides for 40 families during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Cash donations enable regular purchases of chopped beef, chicken, and sausage.
The Church Office at
(718) 984-7756

6 / St. John’s Episcopal Church Food Pantry

1333 Bay St, Staten Island, NY 10305​

First Thursday and third Saturday of the month
Volunteers from St. John’s and Church of St. Andrew Produce Donations
Provided by the Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO)
Vivian Murray
(917) 647-8281

7 / St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Food Pantry

347 Davis Ave, Staten Island, NY 10310
First Saturday of the month
Volunteers from St. Mary’s, Church of St. Andrew, and Church of the Ascension.
Produce Donations
Provided by the Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO).
The Church Office at
(718) 442-1527

8 / St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

225 St Paul’s Ave, Staten Island, NY 10304
Collects food and donations for the neighboring Feeding Ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church and provides volunteers
Monica Peter at
(718) 273-9572

If You Need Immediate Help

If you are currently hungry or coping with food insecurity, click here for additional Staten Island food pantry information by ZIP code and using a map.

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